She’s Crazy and I Don’t Matter

I have discussed elsewhere in this blog what I call my grandmother's "Lynn Trip."  She lived next door to some monkey-lipped old bitch named Lynn for 25 years.  During this time she was convinced that Lynn was not only coming into her house and stealing from her, but that she was also sucking my grandfather's … Continue reading She’s Crazy and I Don’t Matter

Seriously, FML Part II

Surprisingly enough, everything everywhere continues to be a festering cesspool of shit. Imagine my surprise. This blog entry is a continuation of my recent blog entry, Seriously, FML. This one probably won't make a hell of a lot of sense if you haven't read that one. I was right - the neighbor DID run her … Continue reading Seriously, FML Part II

Satanic Rituals in the Old Country Barn

This is another true story from my particularly marvelous childhood. In the late 80's there were three girls in my grade  - the 7th grade - that I hung out with, and two other girls in the grade below us that we hung out with. The 6 of us all hung out together. Little snots, … Continue reading Satanic Rituals in the Old Country Barn